Grace Church Jorhat
Jilika Path
Mission Campus
Jorhat, Assam - 785001

Category EIC Articles

Don’t Waste Christmas!

December brings a burst of cheer and warmth amid the cold dregs of the year, not just among Christians, but all over the world. It is the time to commemorate and celebrate the climactic event of history, when the Creator…

The Lamb Of Revelation

In chapter 5 of Revelation, John sees a strange vision. In the midst of the throne of God, He sees Jesus Christ, as a Lamb who appears to have been slain. The whole host of heaven and saints alike praise…

I AM The Vine

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” Perhaps there is hardly any Christian who has not…

I believe: The Apostles’ Creed

Repetition is the key to long-term memory and learning. If so, regularly reciting and more importantly constantly explaining the basic tenets of the Christian faith is critical to preserving the glorious truths upon which the church is founded. Churches and…